Student Mobility to european union

Beasiswa erasmus+ cbhe asiasafe

Berikut timeline beasiswa yang didanai oleh ERASMUS+ CBHE ASIASAFE untuk mahasiswa Program Magister Teknik Sipil konsentrasi Keselamatan Lalu Lintas Jalan (Road Traffic Safety)

Maret 2023

Kuota 2 Mahasiswa

Student Mobility di LINKOPING UNIVERSITY – SWEDIA dengan beasiswa ERASMUS+ CBHE ASIASAFE (untuk travel cost & stay cost)

Mei 2023

Kuota 2 Mahasiswa

Student Mobility di UNIVERSITY OF PORTO – PORTUGAL dengan beasiswa ERASMUS+ CBHE ASIASAFE (untuk travel cost & stay cost)

Oktober 2023

Kuota 2 Mahasiswa

Student Mobility di UNIVERSITY OF ROME TOR VERGATA – ITALY dengan beasiswa ERASMUS+ CBHE ASIASAFE (untuk travel cost & stay cost)


Internasional Summer school


Master Program in Civil Engineering

(Road Traffic Safety Specialisation)

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Pendaftaran : 15 April – 15 Agustus 2023

Tempat & Tanggal : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 28 Agustus – 8 September 2023


Day 1

Opening Day : Keynote speaker session: To review the state of road safety in Indonesia and introduce participants for road safety strategies.

Day 2

Human Factor : To introduce the participants to human perception and how visual information in road traffic is processed; to familiarize the participants with the patterns of road user’s behavior and how they make decisions in different traffic situations and conditions; to introduce participants with safety risks related to distractions and to show contemporary research methods related to human factor and road safety.

Day 3

Vehicle Factor : To give an overview of current state-of-the-art technologies in vehicles aimed at increasing road safety; to provide basic knowledge of automated vehicles and related problems, and to give insight into the future trends related to connected and automated vehicles.

Day 4

Road and Environment: To familiarize participants with safety risks related to low visibility conditions; to extend participants’ knowledge of safe road infrastructure; to evaluate the effect of different low-cost measures for traffic signaling on driver behavior and overall road safety; to familiarize participants with the basic concepts behind traffic lights.

Day 5

Road and Environment : To extend participants’ knowledge of different concepts of safe road design; to introduce and elaborate the contemporary concept of self-explaining and forgiving roads; to present the application of a driving simulator in road design and safety analysis.

Day 6 & 7


Day 8

Accident Analysis: To introduce participants to the methodologies of traffic accident analysis and expert evaluation based on actual data obtained in a crash test.

Day 9

Road Safety Inspection : To familiarize participants with the process of “black spots” identification based on a Croatian case study; to familiarize participants with the basic concepts and regulations related to road safety inspection in Indonesia and with the overall road safety inspection process; to introduce participants with road safety assessment program (iRAP) and its application worldwide as well as to with different measuring equipment and procedures for quality control of road elements and infrastructure.

Day 10

Road Safety Inspection-Field Work : To use the knowledge acquired in theoretical lectures to conduct a road safety inspection on a real road; to identify potential safety issues and discuss potential solutions based on group work.


mata kuliah

Rincian Untuk Semester I

  1. MTS 0101W –  Sains Data Terapan (3 SKS)
  2. MTS 0102W – Metode Penelitian dan Publikasi (3 SKS)
  3. MTS 2203W – Perencanaan dan Desain Geometrik Jalan yang Berkeselamatan (3 SKS)
  4. MTS 2204W – Pemodelan dan Simulasi Lalu Lintas Jalan yang Berkeselamatan (3 SKS)
  5. MTS 2205W – Audit Keselamatan Jalan dan Analisis Resiko (3 SKS)

Total 15 SKS

Rincian Untuk Semester II

  1. MTS 2203W – Perencanaan dan Desain Geometrik Jalan yang Berkeselamatan (3 SKS)
  2. MTS 2204W – Pemodelan dan Simulasi Lalu Lintas Jalan yang Berkeselamatan (3 SKS)
  3. MTS 2205W – Audit Keselamatan Jalan dan Analisis Resiko (3 SKS)
  4. MTS 2208P – Keselamatan Lalu Lintas dan Perilaku Manusia (3 SKS)
  5. MTS 2209P – Studi Pra dan Pasca Kecelakaan (3 SKS)

Total 15 SKS

Rincian Untuk Semester III

  1. MTW 0104W – Tesis (6 SKS)

Total 6 SKS